Blue Haze

Not working today and feeling better than yesterday so despite the drizzly rain I set off for an explore. I am not good at keeping to paths so I just set out across the hill to find a viewpoint above Ardfern. This is the best viewpoint I found, not as good as I hoped but some of that was because of the haze.

I am not sure where the blue colour came from because this was taken in the middle of the day. Maybe my white balance was out. Whatever I quite like the blue haze and the shapes of the hills in the distance.

This is taken above and opposite Ardfern looking West up loch Craignish over the top of Ormaig fish farm. If it wasn't so misty you could see the top end of Jura and Scarba in the shot. I could make them out by eye. In between is the Corryvreckan, a notorious whirlpool which makes a great trip out in a boat.

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