
By TynvdB

Aurora, The Minotaur & Philia

It has been amazing day. When I started on my old bike, I thought: lets go to the seaside and experience sunrise there. And if there is enough time, lets do some rounds in the swimmingpool. But it turned out differently. At the first corner I saw some signs of Aurora’s awakening towards the East. So, I followed The Light, not my plan. Halfway to the swimmingpool I passed a long time at the border of the small parkpond (see also last Monday).

It was a very intimate meeting again with Aurora.Two coots were scrabbling at my feet. Sometimes I had to squat to get the right position or reflexion, which did not frighten them at all. Geese came flying over honking. The Firing Red Sun illuminated this scene with radiancy. The whole event filled my soul with serenity, wonder and gratitude.

After that, in the swimming pool, I took my ease, did my rounds and excercise, so that I could leave again in time to take a “straight” way to the dunes. Just after entering the high sand hills, I remembered having seen behind dense thicket a hidden dune-pool. On foot I followed a small track leading up and down ending in front of wooden observation screen. What would you expect to see there on and near the water?

What?…THERE came three enormous redhaired, broad horned, nose steaming...Highlanders, stepping heavily towards my wooden shield. And while I was taking pictures of this unbelievable happening, there was a loud cracking and roaring behind me: In a reflex I turned around and photographed what I saw: A steaming and mooing Red Bull broke downhill through the bushes full speed ahead. I stepped aside staying very cool and the Big One nervously passed narrowly to my right.

This all passed in split seconds. Seeing that Big Red Thing right above me storming down “at me” a word went through: “The Minotaur”. This is the Labyrinth..! I had heard about these Big Reds but never met them so unexpectedly and so close. Well, I took a few more pictures and climbed back and over the duns to the superb low tide morning sea.

I smelled the fresh salty air walking over an old breakwater. I enjoyed the brand new morning feeling mixed with childhood memories: basalt blocks as playground full of shells, seaweed, crabs and sea stars…but I had to return home in order to help preparing an early lunch with our dear friends C&M. Back home at 9.30 AM it felt as if I had already experienced an entire day.

The radiant afternoon we passed together making a long walking tour, again through the dunes and alongside the sea, oh such a sunny togetherness in talking, silence, and tea at the pavilion.
And finally we can summarize this unforgettable triple-in-one-day as full of serenity, surprise and laughter among old friends. In other words threefold thanks to Aurora, The Minotaur & Philia.

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