Money for old rope

Big it up (please).

This is my reward for a month's hard graft at the Future University in Egypt. I don't have a bank account set up with them yet and so I receive my pay in a big clump of 100 pound notes which I collect from the salary counter in the basement of the main building. My pile was a lot bigger than everyone else's and so it made for a rather uncomfortable situation having it smacked on the counter with an envelope next to it in full of view of all the other staff who were waiting at the time. Luckily, none of them were my colleagues.

Today was spent finalising travel plans and tickets for Christmas before heading off a bit of scran at Lucille's and a felucca ride on the Nile. I'm off to pack now for a wee trip home. I've not been in Scotland in December since 2005. Hmm, where did I put my wooly jumper, gloves and Ski Dubai hat?

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