
By RogMull

The waiting hand..

I was sitting pen at the ready waiting for some inspiration for something I want to write. I usually write using the computer, but since I had been sitting staring at a blank screen for five minutes, I thought I'd try old technology, and grabbed a pen. It was to no avail. I sat and realised I was watching my hand, my motionless, uninspiring hand.

So I grabbed my camera instead. I realised then that as I was right handed, I had to use my camera not only with one hand, but left handed, if I was to photograph my right hand. Got it?

Anyway, spending five minutes or so organising today's Blip has, for some unknown reason, sparked some thoughts in my mind, and I am now ready to write. This often happens to me. I need to distract myself to unblock my mind. Five minutes of distraction well spent I'd say.

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