Buried Treasure

Fred dug up a treasure (or treat) he buried last fall. The ground must be thawing in spots! :)

This is SOOC. Fortunately this turned out well enough... I shot it as I lost my balance! Only had time for 3 clicks this morning... Talk about luck!

Things have gotten a little crazy around here. We are leaving for a vacation in a few days and will be gone for a couple of weeks. The original plan was to spend some time with my parents in Florida and a few other stops... Then my Grandma broke her femur (right at the hip) and is in surgery right now. My mom flew back from Florida today to help with Grandma and I drove downstate to try to lend her a hand prior to heading out in a few days. So... I'm a little preoccupied. I think I'll turn off comments and probably be a little scarce with commenting myself for a bit, at least until this gets resolved and our travels are underway.

Hopefully everything will go well with Grandma's surgery and her recovery. It's never easy to think of her having a hard time...

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