Journey Through Time

By Sue

Spring Break

First of all, a huge thank you again for the lovely reception to the old car and barn and then the Lewisia hit the Spotlight page today! My goodness, you guys are spoiling me I think. I was very surprised and I thank you for the stars and the hearts. Maybe we, in the north, are so hungry for some spring color, that image must have hit the spot. Oh, I made a pun! Thank you, thank you.

It isn't officially "Spring Break" time as the schools aren't out yet, but the weather today was definitely spring like. Bill had today off from his job, but he really hit it around here. We have a squeaky clean car and pickup and he mowed the lawn! I did laundry (well, the machines do all the work, Thank God) and ran a few errands.

This Junco was enjoying the sun and Lenny, recovering from his efforts in the Alternate Olympic Games, and still showing signs of being the food thief that he is, was enjoying a sunbath on the fence. He was facing one direction, then decided to even out his tan, so faced the other direction. I disturbed him a bit, and he got on the fence post, but he was so sleepy from the sun, he almost fell asleep while trying to keep on eye on me. I had to post those photos also.

And I apologize for being way behind in comments. I shall try to remedy that. Again.

See ya later

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