
I don't know how many protests we've gone to over the years, exercising our rights as citizens and standing up for what we believe in. We were here today, on the lawn of the BC Parliament Buildings, joining the protest against the proposed changes to the ferry system. Good speakers, a lot of angry people, not a member of the BC Liberal government in sight.
On the drive into Victoria, we thought about whether the protests we've been to have had any effect. Some have, others haven't. We keep doing it though, because it's important to make our voices heard, even in a small way. We came of age in the late '60s and were full of hope and optimism that we could make changes and leave a better world for those who come after us. I'm not so hopeful now, but I keep remembering "the power of one" to make a difference. We do what we can, where we are, to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. And that in itself is important to me.
Hard to get a good photo - it was a wonderful sunny day, but lots of shadows and lots of heads in the way. Great signs though! My favourite: Grim Ferry Tales

Today was our granddaughter's 18th birthday. It doesn't seem possible! Wasn't I just 18 myself yesterday? Happy Birthday, Krista! We're looking forward to seeing her next week.

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