
By Chook

'Tis the season to be jolly...

Christmas decorations have been up for ages in the city, and there's still a month to go. These are in Bourke St Mall. Was hoping for a photo that also included the tram tracks, buildings and some people and their shadows, but the light wasn't right. Think it might be better in the mornings, so maybe I'll try again.

Oven fixed for the second time last week and, finally, it's working. We've had home made pizzas for dinner the last two nights. Salami, chilli, tomato, mushroom and rocket. Yummo.

Day one of APLS today. Lots of cardiac scenarios, which involved some theatrical running round and yelling out 'charge!' and 'clear!'. Long day, but very worthwhile - and, I got to start it with a hot chocolate at Animal Orchestra. More again tomorrow.

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