A Veritable....


What a glorious day it was again today. It was a frosty start, but the low sun was beautiful, too beautiful to miss so I got up and walked to the Marriott for a swim. It was very quiet...just how I like it. I then returned home for breakfast. Whilst I was munching my toast and reading The Shock of the Fall (a good book by the way) Avril phoned. I arranged to nip round to her office and have a chat about some work I'm doing for her. I've not seen her for a while so it was good to catch up too.

I had to go to the bank afterwards and as I was in Monton I nipped into Tesco. Whilst I was paying, a woman next to me was buying an ice lolly...well as soon as I saw it I had to have one too. I managed to resist ripping the wrapper off until I arrived home and photographed each bite... yes, I know, I need to get a life ha ha ha.

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