My Best Efforts - Year 3


"Hair Day" Flowers!.......

..........these lovely Alstroemeria were from Anni when she came on Saturday for her monthly haircut! Never had so many bunches of flowers before in my life!

I think I am going to get some of these plants to fill the space left by one of the trees I had removed. I have checked in my flower bible and it seems my soil is suitable and it would appear they spread quite well.

I also learned that the flowers for indoors should be pulled (like rhubarb) rather that picked - it seems they repeat flower more easily.

It may be a week or two before I can get to the garden centre but as they are usually sold in pots, that shouldn't matter too much.

A dull start to the day but the sun is now shining brightly though there are a few small dark clouds too - Temperature is 43 Deg. F. with a chilly light wind.

Hope you have some sun where you are but enjoy your day anyway.

On this day last year I Blipped Snowdrops

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