A Rainbow Gnome & A Demanding Dog

Did you know that dogs can get inside your head and get you to do things that they want you to?
Even when he wasn't in sight today I could feel Rumi sliding around inside my head...wanting to go to the beach.
Me...'gosh I feel crappy I wish I could go back to bed right now'
Rumi.....gottta go to the beach...it will do you good ...Ive got to GO TO THE BEACH NOW.
In the end I gave up and carried my snotty self down to the beach...and of course took the Rumi dog too.
We spied this little gnome sitting by herself on the beach all wrapped up and colorful. Not to mention the wonderful clouds.
Now i'm going to get my jim jams on and get cosy 2 boxes of tissues later.

“Be quiet now and wait.
It may be that the ocean one,
the one we desire so to move into and become,
desires us out here on land a little longer,
going our sundry roads to the shore.”
― Rumi (not the dog)

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