March 11th 2009 - A ride with a view
I woke to find Chloe at the end of my bed and I instantly said that we needed to talk. She replied by saying that she was feeling sick – it turned out she had a parasite. That meant I spent the day feeling like a two faced dick as I couldn’t end the relationship with her feeling ill. Therefore I had to spend the day pretending nothing was up and try to make her feel better whilst knowing I would be breaking up with her. It wasn’t something I was comfortable with but I thought it was for the best.
We had a brief Spanish lesson this morning before going on a mountain bike tour organised by Soren. It only cost $2 each and was a really nice trip – even if some of the hills were pretty steep! The views were magnificent and it was great to do some proper exercise! Everything else we had done were arms only really!
Then it was pizza burger time – although as the oven sucked we had to do meat burritos instead which went down a storm. In the afternoon we relaxed, watched Inter vs Man Utd and made some hilarious videos of Spanish Cooking and me speaking Danish. After tea all of us except Chloe went on a Chivas to a beautiful viewpoint above the town. The view was gorgeous, although a clear point to get a view of the breath-taking mountains behind would have been even better! On the way up loads of us travelled on the roof but on the way down only Sally, Maïté and I dared – and we were attacked by trees for our troubles!
Afterwards Mia, Josefine, Soren, Louise, and I went to the bar and played some fusbol and, after Soren and Luise left, pool as well. It was a good laugh – especially Josefine and her eye flirting with the locals! It was really nice to have gotten to know some of the locals well enough to chill out with them at the bar – that was the kind of thing I wanted to do at the start of this trip.
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