....couldn't organise a...........

Apologies for not commenting and posting poor blips recently...........I've been out of sorts....not sleeping because the Boss has been on nights......feeling off colour....and hassled with work stuff.

I'll catch up asap.

Tonight was the Quiz League presentation....how can I describe it.....farce...fiasco...other words beginning with f.

We arrived to a very subdued Social club...........some dark mutterings......and then the League secretary stood up walked to the stage and announced......" I have to apologise, there's no quiz tonight because no one told me we have a quiz at the presentation so I didn't send for any questions....and there's no trophies to give out because they've been engraved but it was half day closing at the engravers.......but the pies are coming later........and we can have a raffle....oh and I'm not being the secretary any more after tonight.....some teams have changed fixtures without telling me....and some have postponed matches without telling me....and I've just had enough"

All the teams made the right polite noises and protestations.......but he just walked out of the venue.

He's been part of the League for years so he knew we always have a quiz.......usually one of the teams writes one....but he forgot to ask........half day at the engravers?......on a Monday?..........teams changing times and dates...the League finished spot on on the official date so where's the problem?

A few of us got together and decided we'd go ahead....one player from the Stopes Tavern had some old questions from quizzes in his bag....the raffle tickets were found......we charged every one £1 so we had some prize money......Roger offered to collect the trophies this week and deliver them....and he offered to run the AGM and take over as secretary next year.

So....we had a 70 question quiz....a few beers......a pie and pea supper....and a raffle....... and a good time was had by all.

We came second in the quiz....and won a tenner!

I won this Easter egg in the raffle......I can't decide whether to give it to Charlie...or keep it for me........well, it has got a chunky peanut butter Kit-Kat inside it!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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