From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Something slightly different....

Well, it was a different start to the day. It had been such a nice weekend, I thought I'd pick this morning to walk the three and a bit miles to the office and set my alarm for 4:30am. I've done that often in the good weather. Anyway, my usual Monday enthusiasm kicked in when the alarm sounded and I just rolled away and dozed for another half an hour.

I didn't miss much in any case. By the time I was in Solihull just after 6:30, the sky was starting to look interesting down the Warwick Road past House of Fraser. I trudged on ignoring the call of McDonalds for a change.

Typical! I think the view was better from Lode Lane where I'd gotten off the bus and a bright orange disc was visible behind Solihull Hospital. You know how it is; you keep thinking you'll get the perfect shot round the next bend and it goes on like that until you realise you are going to end up walking to Knowle and it will be lunchtime before you know it! I stopped still at one point and got this view before I turned around and headed back towards the council house. It was quite chilly and my nose was running by the time I got there. All the doors were open by the time I arrived. I was still the first one in though.

Go large....

It was a morning of forgotten passwords and purchase orders which kept me out of mischief until after lunch when I began a few minor report amendments but I must admit I wasn't feeling wildly enthusiastic and I escaped the noisy office at 2:45.

That's it. Nothing wild to report today.

Track? I fancy a later one from Peter Green today - Feeling Good

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