
By TeaAddict

A Moment of Zen Calm

Today's blip may look like a close up of a petri dish full of bacteria but is actually the tea leaves from last month's tea from my tea-tasting club.. the Jasmine Butterfly in Love.

Mr M and I finally got round to brewing it up today and enjoyed it while having our weekly Monday morning status meeting.

Did you know that this tea is made from the leaf bud and very young leaves of the tea plant. These leaves are then steamed (to retain their green colour and to stop them from going black), then while the freshly steamed leaves are still supple, they are rolled by hand into a delicate little bow. Then a jasmine flower is rolled around the bow to make the 'butterfly'. When hot water is poured on these little bows, they open out to make a lovely delicate tea, resplendent with the scent of jasmine. The tea really was lovely!

One of the items on our meeting agenda today was the need for Mr M and I to get back into the habit of taking Wednesdays off, given that we are usually working at the weekend. The motion was carried unanimously and plans are afoot for a day of chilling on Wednesday. Looking forward to it already!

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