
By Aliscotia

Comfort Food!

I had a busy day today and was browsing the cakes at M&S on my way home to see what could tempt me.......then I spotted them......Scottish Pineapple Tarts! They actually had "Scottish" in the name, that's not me that's added it.

Oh the joy! This is the wee tart that Mum and I would have when we went for the messages down Kirky and we would stop for a coffee and cake. A ritual that shapes the way I live today. I could not have been more surprised to see these in M&S, I've never seen them there before.

I took the picture with it cut down the middle so those of you not familiar with the tart can see the sweet deliciousness of it! There's a crumbly pastry, a sweet white cream with a meringuey texture and a layer of pineapple jammy stuff at the bottom. It's sweet and yummy and I could not ask for a better comfort food.

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