in springtime thousands of crocuses flower, the colours are mainly white and purple, and sparsely yellow ones.
Mischa who works in the centre had told me that it made a splendid sight.
Piet Hein had to go to the dentist at the other end of the town and I decided to cycle halfway with him and have a try on the flowers and if that would not work out I could go to the Malieveld where the deer are kept in the park.
Almost all persons that walked at the Voorhout made pictures, there was a lovely sunlight, the terraces were full of cheerful persons, enjoying their lunchpause or simply had a drink.
I stayed quite a long time, walked around, looked from different perspectives, of course. A lady approached me and let me know she loved to see the beauty of the sight. I answered her that it seemed to me that this year the flowers were particularly beautiful and then she said that the last time she had seen the crocuses there thirty years ago, because she lived abroad, you see.
Here ended our conversation.
From there I went to the Malieveld, in the park where the deer are held many trees had been cut and I spotted only two or three animals.
At three o'clock Piet Hein joined me and together we cycled home. We noticed that the sun suddenly deserted us and a mist took over, it turned rather cold and we were glad to reach home and drank tea.
My haiku:
Splendour of flowers
The small ones, purple and white
Some vibrant yellow
My proverb, to me it sound a strange one:
Het gaat verkeerd, als de boeren artisjokken eten.
Translation: It goes wrong, if the farmers eat artichokes.
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