'The Season Of Lent'............!
So, here's a picture of my Lenten Rose (Hellebore) to celebrate it.....
It's doing rather well this year...(pure neglect) and it must have liked our very wet winter.......come to think of it......it probably did...
as the place I've seen these grow best was a damp woodland area under trees on a walk in a beautiful garden in County Wicklow.......!
Well, it's here at last ......what is?????
The SUN.........that's what......
and very pleased we are to see it.....!!!
the difference it makes.....and not only to how things look
but to how you feel........energised is the best word I think!!!
By gum, tho', does it show up all the dust so, I've just spent a couple of hours cleaning and am now trying to rest my back....
As I type...I'm watching a beautiful white cat with black and orange markings walk up our fence.......no doubt either a friend or sparring partner of Kittys.....
doesn't appear to have any war-wounds tho'......
Kitty has been .....fed...had a chat....and is now gone off to lie somewhere (safe)! in the sun....so he told me anyway...
Hope the sun is shining on you all today....!!!
Love Annie & Kitty xx
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