Found together...

... today morning!

With photography, it's always fun to move out of the comfort zone. It helps preventing stagnation. I went back to shooting flowers. It might look a bit like a backward step, but what made me return to it was the precision it needs. Composing a good flower shot requires understanding of light, colours, lines, textures and innovative angles. And when shots tend to be macro-like, one has to be very precise with framing. This might involve shooting multiple shots of the same subject with mild variations in exposure, framing, focus, DOF, etc and then later examining them to understand which ones are good. More often than not, flower photos do not contain much more than what meets the eye.

Shooting people on the other hand requires a slightly different emphasis. The right moment is critical. And often one has to sacrifice precision in framing when it's in conflict with the decisive moment. And seeing Adda's shots from the school for blind children, reminded me about the joys of photography and what I really like to shoot.

It boils down to this: The photos that contain people, their condition, circumstances, their engagement in a specific task, or that unguarded moment... those are the photos that tell a story. For me, those are the ones that make a lasting impression, photos I long to return to. And photos that are more satisfying to take.

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