Sunny Sunday

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By 9am we were at the swimming baths. Simon went in with Minnie on his own this time - last time the changing rooms were so busy it was a bit frantic if I was going to be on my own. She had a fab time kicking and splashing.

We then had a Starbucks and home for sausage and bacon sandwiches. We came home, flung open the doors, hung the washing out, mowed the lawn and pottered in the garden.

After heading out with the dogs for a walk we popped to see some friends who have visiting parents from France that wanted to see Minnie. A quick visit turned into two bottles of champagne and sitting in the sun! It was lovely. Somehow Simon came home with a telescope ? He has wanted one for ages so now he has one!

Minnie missed her afternoon 3 hour nap but was so so good. She fell asleep on the way home and I got her into her PJs when we got back. I put my PJs on too and got Minnie's bed time bottle ready. She downed it, fell asleep and I promptly joined her, I was pooped!

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