Despite a slightly shabby start to the day because of a little too much 'community' last night (I mean 'wine'), it was a lovely day.
Despite the cold Scottish drizzle, there was a warm welcome at the boys' football training, and endless cappucinos back at a pal's house. Where this (only photo I took today) was taken. (And doctored in line with our policy of no kids' faces on blip!) Lunch, helping Mr B with something, then off to Aunty Betty's for dinner with her and the senior Bs.
Then dropping Mr B off at the airport to grab a few hours sleep before his early flight, and I dashed home through the driving rain to entertain a couple of friends happy to leave their warm houses on a cold wet Sunday night to share glass or two of wine and catch up.
And I was wondering whether I'd done the right thing leaving this amazing community of friends and family.
And then a call from a neighbour in France about a house fire back there and all I want to do is jump on the first plane back to help however I can. No-one was injured and our house is untouched, but just not being there is too much to handle.
It takes that to remind me that my community is wider than a village.
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