Grandma's pictures

By FarawayGrandma

magnet school child & proud of it!

We whisked off to the pack meeting after a quick dinner. Never a dull moment in this house! I accidently blipped my daughter's address on the box Ben had climbed into so had to replace the photo for Friday. This is an older grand who 1. put up with noisy boys at a Pack meeting and 2. is proud of her new magnet school.

the following is the note for Ben in the Box that I had to replace:
the girls loved their blankies..and thankfully, Ben was happy to get the box.
(The last box last month was mostly his for his birthday and we warned him in advance the girls' blankets were in this one..)

first he climbed into it & wanted to be "packed".
then he added it to the box world he had started in his station? fort? detective agency? scenario will change by the hour.

got in the door, hugs, kisses & dinner waiting,
chow down & pack it up for the monthly pack meeting
(haven't been to one for 30 years..they don't change much. little boys loud & bouncing. their sisters putting up with all of it one more time, just like his mother did for her brother 30 years ago....)

vacation is here! I love being part of their wonderful, whirlwind of a wacky world...

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