Sunshine in the West
The title's a bit of a bitter joke - today was so gloomy that I couldn't bear to take any photos and it was evening before I felt sufficiently cheered by the bunch of bargain daffodils I picked up in the supermarket to take their picture and post it. Actually, they're a rather good £1's worth - twenty blooms instead of ten - and from tight little buds on Friday they've now shed their casings (you can see one lying on the shelf) and opened out.
Behind them is a Japanese fan brought as a present from one of @ewanmcintosh's work trips and a replica Etruscan pot my parents brought home years ago from one of their holidays, and to the right the shapely purple vase a friend gave us as a Ruby Wedding present. The daffodils themselves are in the crystal vase my mother gave us on our Silver Wedding.
So yes - a promise of sunshine in a corner of my room.
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