Mrs Brown's girls

By Jenbrown83

Emily is 4!

Four?! How is it even possible that my tiny baby girl whom I was cradling for the first time 'just a moment ago' is already four?!

You asked if you looked bigger today; I very seriously measured you with my hands and declared that yes, there was definitely an extra bit of Emily that wasn't there yesterday. What you still lack in stature you most definitely make up for in personality and spirit...

Three will always be remembered as the "threenager" years: unfortunately you inherited every bit of my stubbornness and uptightness - it makes for some interesting standoffs between the two of us to say the least. At 3yr old you definitely knew your own mind, so goodness knows what 4yr old Emily has in store for me. I know there have been times over the past year when I haven't dealt with you in the best possible way - I'm still learning how to deal with a mini version of myself - but I hope you know that I'm still learning and I'm trying to get better at being more patient, more calm, less stubborn! Despite what I say now, I wouldn't change your spirit for the world. One day you'll move mountains with that will of yours. You might be a pain in the bum some days, but you're my pain in the bum and I wouldn't trade any bit of you.

You still find time to amaze me every day - you forget nothing. You have an uncanny ability to remember everything you've done (and I've said!) since you were around 21 months old. And not just vaguely recollect but remember in vivid detail. Sometimes you get very frustrated when we can't remember things as well as you do (hopefully these blips will help me along) and you're still learning how to work through those frustrations without a tantrum. You're smart too - I love to watch you learn new things, or even better work your way through a problem. You're currently learning how to read and write - as well as do sums (3+3= 6 and so does 4+2!). Nursery has really brought you out of your shell too - Amy Waiper is your best friend, as well as Isabella Hope and Ethan Davis (a boy - despite all of your pre-nursery promises!). We had a rocky couple of months getting you settled in after a great start - but now you'll happily run in as soon as you see Mrs Gallagher.

You're so kind and considerate. I know you're bursting with love - even though getting a kiss or a cuddle out of you can be a battle sometimes (well not for me, Daddy and Niamh) but it just means when you freely offer one, it's something that the receiver really cherishes. I'm lucky enough to get a dozen hugs and kisses a day - especially at bedtime. And you find a new thing to "love me more than" everyday for our favourite bedtime game - ice cream, chips in the car, pink, the universe ("that means everything mammy").

You're helpful too - I know you're growing up when you offer to help with the washing up, or cooking tea, or even washing the floor and windows. You work so furiously at it when we show you how to do something new around the house - it makes me sure you're going to be amazing at whatever you choose to do one day (ballerina or physicist), when you put your mind to learning something, ain't nothing going to get in your way!

You've definitely grown into the role of an awesome big sister - you still fight frequently (today more than ever over Niamh not understanding they were primarily Your new toys) but more often than not we find you looking after and caring for your sister....yesterday even found you changing her nappy while we were out of the room! I love to watch the two of you play together - you're like chalk and cheese in so many ways, but you dote on each other and I can't wait to watch your friendship grow.

I hope today (and your sleepover last night) has been every bit as fun as you hoped. I love you more than the universe my big girl, you (and Niamh) make my life better in every single way (well except for the sleeping way!).

"I love you most"
Mammy xxx

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