
By rmx3G

night-watch <ON TIME>

At the end of the Sunday I understood how to operate for 4 seconds shutter speed.

possible in darkest places and camera automatic enable max 4 seconds.

Need to say my misunderstanding with handling the new

"Black version of system WP8 in my Lumia"

Need to apologise my Friday complaint about shutter speed. I saw a couple of threads about that on a two weeks ago.

Was little bit afraid about that issue.

Short evening walk on Calton Hill helped me understanding how mobile cam of Lumia react in darker conditions. You could see that on typical night view from there.

Now I need probably wait for update of ProShot application. Still looks just 1 second limit for shutter speed in manual mode.

Good Sunday for me, hope that for you as well :-)

Have a great next week, all ;-)

Thank you for all of your comments.

Now it's time to see how to operate with right night-time conditions for Lumia.

Should be fun again.

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