Happy Valley

By HappyValley

DDW's March 2014 Challenge Day 9: Fuliginous = Sooty or smoky

Another slow start to the day...Mostly because the house was so bloody cold it was difficult to get ourselves out from under the duvet! Our Rayburn decided it needed a rest last night and stopped working.

My Beautiful man had a restless night worrying about what could be wrong and how to go about fixing the big lump of unusually quiet and cold metal. However with 3 hours of concentration, swearing and thumping about...along with a very detailed manual, the occasional poke from a dog nose and a hearty breakfast cooked by me, a miraculous thing happened. The monstrosity sprung back into life as soon as it was rebuilt and switched on! Huzzzah!

I had no doubt in Porridge Wogs skills. At all. And what perfect timing for blip. This is some metal plate type thing that goes somewhere inside the guts of the Rayburn and was (like all of the guts) covered in plenty of soot!

Then off with the dogs to collect Evie the Wonderdog for a wander over the cliff tops of the Black Craig. Big cliffs and big waves. Then a big scrummy dinner at Ma & Pa PW's. Now home, wine poured and dogs sparko....no sign of life other than constant dog farts.

First day at new school (work) tomorrow 8)

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