
By grounded

God Bless America!

Every morning after my espresso (see Day 1), I grab a shower and then come back down to eat some Lucky Charms. My favourite breakfast cereal which is not on general sale here in the UK. Only seen it at £7 a box in Harvey Nichols in Birmingham! So you see I buy in bulk when I get a chance!

Then I get to work and start brewing a large pot of Folgers filter coffee, nice and mellow to drink all morning. Another American product I buy in bulk. I seem to have a bit of an addiction to all things american!

Some of you might notice, that I got to play with a grown-up camera tonight... bit of a tutorial from hubby. Too many knobs and dials for me... think I'll stick to my baby camera as it seems to do the job, unless I need to focus the flash away at the ceiling like tonight!

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