Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Fun with the boys and their toys.

My Grandsons had been up with the lark, as they often are on a Sunday.
I feel sorry for Greg and Hazel as they both work tirelessly. After Sunday school, Corey and Tyler had helped my son Greg and Hazel to sell cakes for the church funds.
The organ is very old and in great need of repair.
We had an enjoyable time playing Quiddler, a word card game, and then they showed me some games on the Tablets they got as presents from Christmas gift money.
In the middle photo of the blip, Corey is gleefully stretching some red goo he got from a party with a Science theme.
When my two were of party age, it was a bowling theme or MacDonalds that was popular.
The weather looked as if the sun was having a late lie in and did not get up until nearly 3pm.
It was so mild in Shirley, Croydon my Mum was able to sit out in the garden!
I am going to a Churches Together Lent group this evening and then will be avidly watching the last episodes of Call the Midwife and later on Mr. Selfridge. These series have been great tele viewing during the Winter months.
Have a good evening blipper friends.

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