Life with The Pinks

By suzypink

Making tea!

Mr Pink has been working all day today, but we have had a busy day doing lots of fun things. We went to church this morning, the mini pinks went to Sunday School, and I went into the main service. After church we went home for some lunch, and as the weather was reasonable we headed out to Jimmy's farm. We had some fun feeding the animals and playing on the playgrounds and generally blowing some cobwebs away. We had fun, master Pink especially loved the zipwire.
Back at home we did Miss Pink's homework, which this week was to "follow a recipe closely, and write, draw, photograph what you made". Well yesterday the mini pinks chose some recipes from the various children's cookbooks we have, so on the menu for teatime, was Soda bread and salmon fish cakes. The mini pinks did fantastically well, and to their credit, made a perfect mini pinks sized meal, which they mostly enjoyed!! We had fun making the goodies anyway, and trying some new ingredients that the mini pinks hadn't used before. Best homework ever!

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