
By Mebythesea

What a difference 3 hours can make!

I felt awful this morning nothing wrong but lack of sleep but really felt bad. We have had a lovely day. We looked after Emily this morning and I am amazed that I managed to make cakes, play football and make mud pies with her although I was so tired I could not be trusted to look after anything physical. I misplaced my phone and Phil's keys 4 times!
Phil did his bit too and now has the cbeebies app on his I pad.
My dad and Maria came over this afternoon Bella loved cuddles with Maria someone is going to be very spoilt on a Wednesday
This evening I felt so bad I had a bath and Phil sent me to bed at 7.45! I feel so much better my headache is gone and I feel almost normal. I have such a wonderful husband it is amazing what 3 hours sleep can do.

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