More words

We were back in Keswick today for more Words by the Water. It was a balmy day and lovely to walk about and it not be cold, but it was cloudy and not good for landscapes. So here is the actual Theatre by the Lake in its setting by Derwentwater. It’s hard to get a good picture of the lovely building, surrounded as it is by trees, but I think this gives a good idea of how perfectly it is sited. Best to look large I think.

For those who don’t know about the theatre, it is a little miracle story really. There was always a little theatre down by the lake, called the Blue Box. This was a mobile theatre set up after the Second World War. It came and went and then in 1975 it was settled permanently in a car park. I remember going to this funny little place many years ago when we were visiting family up here. Then they somehow managed to get enough funding to start building a permanent theatre. How they did this is amazing; it was ‘willed into existence by passionate theatre lovers’ is how it is described on the web site. I remember taking dogs for walks by the lake and in the woods behind the building and watching it as the building gradually took shape. It was opened in 1999 and is now very popular for all sorts of stage plays, music etc. For the Words by the Water Festival it is virtually full for every talk and the whole places buzzes. It’s a real joy to see it and be part of it.

Today we listened to Melvyn Bragg and Pat Barker in conversation about writing. I’m not sure I would agree with the brochure that describes Melvyn as one of the ‘country’s most eminent novelists’, as Pat Barker certainly is. But he’s a good speaker and it was a fascinating conversation to listen in to.

Later we listened to Stuart Maconie talking about his radio series and book: The People’s Songs’. Absolutely brilliant! I do like him anyway, but this was one of the most entertaining couple of hours I have ever been to. (And we bought the book and I got it signed - as you do!) 'Someone' sent me to get the book signed and then took a picture.

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