twinned with trumpton


Walk of Shame

That awkward moment when you wake up on Saturday morning somewhere other than your own bed.....

It was grey and drab and featureless early on. Drizzle, cold, uninviting.

But another hour in bed, coffee, brunch of poached eggs on toast with fried tomatoes and mushrooms and a slice a sausage, and then out. By now, the sun starting to appear, still bluster, gusty but a different day from the one I first peered past the curtain at.

Lovely walk up the cycle path, planning and plotting as we went. Up to town, and the increase in human traffic, and then against the grain of rugby supporters heading west to Murrayfield as we wind our way into the city centre.

We parted at the pubic triangle, I stalked a bit then searched for Cigs tags and home vie Tesco for kidney beans so I can reuse the boys dinner last night and roll it up in tortillas with cheese.

But another hour out whilst the sun shines and then Scotland v France beckons......

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