Scotland in Water

This loch, which lies in a valley on the road across the mountains between Invergarry and Invermoriston, has always been a favourite stopping off point on the road between Glasgow and Uist.
My first memory of seeing it is as a child was when my uncle Angus was driving us down to Glasgow.
We stopped for a picnic overlooking the loch that looks like Scotland. The picnic was hastily aborted when black clouds of midgies descended to feast on our young island skin.
My uncle got us back into the car quickly and we sped off south with all the windows open to allow the wind to get rid of the tiny, voracious beasts. I still remember the thrill of the speed, made even more dramatic by the wind rushing through the open windows as we whizzed along the tree lined road.
A big powerful detective who feared nothing and no one, my uncle Angus was always beaten by the midgies. He couldn't handle them.
Years later, I remember introducing my own daughter to this fascinating scene. A natural phenomenon, she has never forgotten it either.
It was only recently that I realised I didn't know the name of the loch. But the internet is a wonderful thing. It is called Loch Garry.
As usual in the Highlands, the light was amazing when I stopped to take this snap. Black water, ominous dark clouds but some rays of sunshine still managed to penetrate.
It's a sign, I thought to myself, in this year of the Referendum. I'm not sure how to interpret it though......

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