Life's tangled skein

By atp

Glasgow's Arts Quarter

This evening I went to an audition to take part in the Opening and/or Closing Ceremonies of the Glasgow Commonwealth Games. I thoroughly enjoyed the audition, and very much hope I am selected. Incidentally, they are still looking for wannabe performers, especially males. Contact them via if you are interested in taking part.

Anyway, en route to the audition I stopped to take this picture. I parked my car on double yellow lines beside the STV car park, so I had to rush to get the picture and get back to the car before being booked, but even so I was pleased with how the picture came out.

The left-hand building here is the Clyde Auditorium, better known to Glaswegians as The Armadillo. On the right is the much newer Glasgow Hydro – a purpose built concert hall that I have not yet been to visit – I must rectify that.

In between, you can just make out the lights on Glasgow University tower, a couple of miles to the north of the river.

The build up to the Games is really starting to take off now – I am becoming quite excited about it and really looking forward to them starting!

Keep your fingers crossed for me in the auditions!

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