
By MrsPuff


The same scene on Tuesday.

I can’t believe she’s gone.

Myrtle was such a happy, lively kitten. She didn’t have a care in the world, and took joy in everything she did.

I have only happy memories, which is good.

But I know I’ll never see her again.

I’ll never hear her squeaky meow, or see her happy face.
She’s gone.
I miss her so much. I keep expecting her to walk through the door any minute.

Mario had to come home from work yesterday morning to take her to the vet, to be cremated. I couldn’t do it.

For me, this is the same pain and grief of a mother who has lost a child. I’ve had cats around me my whole life; they’re my children (yes, I‘m the crazy cat lady). I have conversations with them, like you might have with your kids. I’ve always been like that.

Thank you so much for your condolences, and kind words. I was overwhelmed. I’m so pleased that Myrtle got into the Spotlight.
That was her big finishing number.

Apologies for not commenting lately, but my head's in another place right now.

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