
By dunkyc

Smooth Criminal

It's another photo of a book, but as ever there is an accompanying anecdote to go with it.

So, to alleviate the tedium of a rainy day, Hutch had taken m'boy out for a nice afternoon stroll and then popped into a couple of shops on the way home.

On returning home and unpacking the pushchair she discovered the book seen here.

Nothing too unusual there, but for the fact that it's not a book we own and neither had Hutch crossed anyone's palm with silver in exchange for it, so we could only determine that m'17 month old boy had liberated it!

Needless to say we were mortified (defined by embarrassed laughter) and shall be returning to the shop soon to settle up on the ninety-nine pence owed.

Assuming the rozzers don't come knocking on our door first...

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