In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Hope nobody is getting bored by my preoccupation with buildings just now. It is just that there are many wonderful buildings in Aberdeen , most of them built in the latter part of the 19th Century, beginning of the 20th Century. Going up until the the 30's at the latest.

After that, apart from the odd one, which I can't think of at the moment, nothing striking springs to mind.
The new university library is excluded from that criticism. Why, when other cities and countries manage to get stunning modern 'out of the box thinking' new builds, are the ones in this part of the world so boring and predictable.

The predecessors of the architects from this part of the world must be spinning in their graves.

This strange looking one is part of Woolmanhill hospital, Aberdeen's oldest hospital which was founded in 1749, I am not sure when this actual building was built.
It was due for closure at the end of last year. It is still open.

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