New boots (panties not pictured)

Do we become less adventurous as we get older or is it just that we've found the things we like and don't need to experiment so much?

Certainly every pair of boots - and most of the shoes - I've bought since 2002 have been DMs and, until recently, it hadn't crossed my mind that I'd ever buy any other brand.

However, for the last few months, Dan and I have been watching all the episodes of Doctor Who since Christopher Eccleston starred in 2005, and we've nearly exhausted the most recent season. For some reason, I have noticed and rather liked Matt Smith's footwear and in a recent article (about the new doctor's DMs), it was mentioned that he wears All Saints.

So I bought a pair, which arrived today. My daughters have displayed quite a bit of enthusiasm for the brand and a slightly more guarded excitement about the fact I'm going to be wearing them, which leads me to think they are a younger person's brand. Too late!

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