
I think I surprised this Downy Woodpecker a bit, as the feathers on her head popped up in alarm for a moment. More alarming in large!

Another cold but gloriously sunny day here! Still snowy, but not actually snowing right now. The one thing I will miss about the snow is the reflective quality it provides to an image. It helps fill in a shadow, boost an eye catch or generally brighten up a dull scene even if the snow isn't in the actual image. On the other hand... I'll be SO glad to see it finally go this year... it's been a long and (deep) snowy winter! :)

Thank you for all of the wonderful comments for my birds lately... It seems I can't get off this track... Maybe when we head south for warmer weather soon I'll be inspired to try something different. (?) No promises though... I think I have an addiction... ;)

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