From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Oh how I hate phones!

I am so tired today! I'm sat here seeing stars and the letters are jumping up and down on my iPad screen while I have some programme about Coronation Street burbling away in the background about a move to a new TV studio. I'm not going to waffle on long tonight you'll be pleased to hear.

It was just one of those days; it wasn't bad just really busy! A man from Lichfield Council was screeching at me via email - seriously! - when I first opened the Sys Admin mailbox at 6:40am demanding that I set up accounts for 8 new users IMMEDIATELY! I tend to finish around 4ish and I could see that the conversation had raged on for a little while after I had logged off yesterday with our manager getting involved and the Spanish Inquisition going on. It was all sorted by the end of today anyway but it was mainly due to the new Lichfield man not understanding how things work.

I had another man ringing me up twice about his self service and then about something on his payslip. I had to refer him to HR in the end but he was happy enough with what I told him. I hope he won't be ringing in the middle of the night! He was one of those barmy intense sorts who never clock off. That is one disadvantage of home working. You sometimes have to leave the house to escape. I also had a woman who called me Andrea and then talked at 100 miles per hour without pausing for breath telling me all her troubles for ten minutes. It took ages before I could break into her flow and tell her she'd got the wrong number! She didn't even want anyone from Solihull Council! She swore at me then as if it was my fault the daft bat had misdialled! Horrors!

It was just a busy day anyway without the crazy phonecalls. Dearie me!

I was tempted to call today's blip 'Arse!' and post this picture but decided against it.


That's it for noo.

Track? Here is one of my favourite Joe Bonamassa tracks which I had as my alarm tone for ages - Black Night (not the Deep Purple track)

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