
Appointment with Julio this morning - a med doctor at the ortoped hospital. The decision for surgery is done, but I thought they should tell me to do it now. But instead I could choose between May or after summer holidays om September. Havn't decided, but I felt so releived of having time to prepare things with financial situation and at work.

They will cut, yes cut!!, the bones in the knee and replace the knee with a protsthesis. For the doctors not a big thing, they do a lots of them and it's done in an hour, but for the body is quite a lot. 2-4 months leave from work and up to year before you can walk properly again. Main thing is that pain is gone. Everything varying of your earlier condition I suppose. He told me some people come after a couple of months and look very alert and others come "walking on all four".

Sun is shining and life feels interesting to live today.

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