A pint of plain

Some evenings you just wish the chat could go on and on. What chats we had. Big John was full of reminiscences: when he was a student in Dublin in 1964, he spent his summers picking peas near Lowestoft. And he told how the Clancy Brothers would come gigging round as there were so many migrant workers. What kicked all this off? Aye, y'see, Britain's most easterly pub, the appropriately named Rising Sun, which he remembered well, has just closed down. Isn't that a shocker?
And hearing about the Belfast of his childhood; how he found it so repellant. He just knew it was all wrong. Get me another from the bar! Tell me more. Take me to places I've never been. I felt like singing that I wished I was in Carrickfergus.
And that's just a pint of mild. A drink that's overdue a comeback, surely.

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