All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Blow Dry

First stop today was the Doctors for hubbie, Ethan and I. We were there to discuss exactly what vaccinations are required for our forthcoming holiday to Thailand. We're already covered for the basics, from a previous long haul holiday but needed more info about rabies, Hep B and Japanese encephalitis and what the risks are. Whilst there, the doctor also looked at my infected finger and prescribed antibiotics for it.

Then straight off to Ethan's swimming lesson. The instructor was in the pool with them today and was trying to get them to attempt to swim without any noodles. Ethan did try bless him but didn't get very far. First time I've seen him give it a go though which was good! He insisted on drying his own hair after his lesson today which was funny!

Nursery for him in the afternoon. He seemed knackered afterwards and was complaining of a sore head and sore tummy for much of the evening. He was sound asleep in bed by 7.30pm - hope he's ok and not up during the night.

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