
By credere


Took this out my bathroom window while I was waiting for the shower to heat up. Groggily, I might add. I'm amazed it turned out!

Arrived at work (late, oops) and - oh crap, I'm giving that 3hr training session this morning :( Need to finalise prep for the training. This calls for coffee. Extra strong. I don't even get into the kitchen when the fire alarm goes off! Now I'm standing outside in the cold (without my coat) and this goes on for some time - eating into my prep time!

The training went ok however, only a few minor blips (of the non-photographic kind). Well it utterly wiped me out today! I was meant to be travelling to an appointment this evening, a group that meets monthly - or so I thought - but apparently it's next weds, not this weds! Grumble.

Perhaps it was for the best given my exhaustion, time instead for a night off! Do some cooking, a bit of reading, catching up with the world. I even got to watch a live feed from Slooh of the passing of a near-earth asteroid, interesting! I hadn't heard about Slooh before tonight.

Well, on that note, goodnight world!

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