Sneinton Market (6)

(...Kind of a companion piece to last week's.) I was down in town today after work to pick up my new glasses, after a rather exhausting session choosing the damn things with my good lady wife last week. Anyway, there was a problem, as the machine they heat the frames up with to adjust them caused the lenses to craze and now I've got to wait another week until they replace them. Of course, I got to try them on first, all lovely and crystal clear and now the old ones feel as grotty and foggy as can be. At least I got new creps finally (very nice black suede Clarks desert boots,I almost blipped them instead...) Then, this afternoon, I emptied the pallet and Tom and I - with a little help from Katie, who mde us a cup of tea and crawled underneath a couple of times as our 'stand-in chicken' - constructed the coop and put it in the garage to await the arrival of the livestock. And this evening I even made it to my first gig of the year - Stanley Brinks and The Wave Pictures at the Maze - despite adding a brief but vicious tummy upset to the headache and coughing. Given that it was a choice made largely through the lack of anybody else to see live just recently, it turned out to be a really good show...

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