
By LadyFindhorn

Spot the Ball

The Meadows were a hive of activity when I passed this morning before the rain. There were joggers, people doing warm ups, cyclists and a horde of little people playing football, girls as well as boys. The Saturday morning football matches are an institution now and are very intense affairs. Parents stand on the side lines shouting instructions and orders and take it as seriously as they would an adult game. It's not a comfortable occupation though as the Meadows are the coldest place on earth in weather like this.
The wee lad in the blip has a great left footed kick!

After the Meadows I walked via the Farmers' market to Princes Street to see what progress is being made in the tram works. I've never seen so many fluorescent coated labourers in one place on a Saturday. There is a concerted effort being made to try and get the road open for buses by the end of next week. Apart from the buses, there are the Christmas attractions due to be opened soon. And so it is all hands on deck.

This evening we have been invited for a celebratory drink and nibbles to my lately-returned-from-Greece, lately- recovered-from-swine flu and now birthday-girl, friend and her partner. I'm so looking forward to it.

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