
Wish us luck, we have a scheduled routine wellness appointment at 1:40 pm today. Raspberry's behavior last time at the vets was less than routine, but she did have a UTI. I want her teeth checked today and also want to wish our vet well on her move to Portland Oregon. Raspberry is bringing her pink tulips. The lovely cat carrier was given to me 41 years ago by a woman who lived in my apartment building and no longer had a cat. I had just gotten my first cat as an adult. She was so precious to me, I rescued her from a restaurant parking lot as a kitten. Liza was a tiger with four white double paws and lived to 16. The carrier is very 50ish with a houndstooth pattern just like the one in the link. If she gets any plumper she won't fit!

I hate taking the cats out to the vets it's so traumatic for them, for me and for the pocketbook. She feels my stress, so I'm trying to stay calm. Actually, I'm longing for yesterday's lunch. I had a succulent fried oyster on a marvelous bun topped with coleslaw and aioli mayonnaise with homemade potato chips(crisps) and a small side salad of mixed greens. My friends had equally delicious plates as well. Then I'm thinking of last night's dinner with pan seared polenta patties layered with warm onion, tomato & garlic salsa with ribbons of sautéed collard greens, topped with a fried egg...made by me.

For the Record,
This day came in cold and gray with snow showers starting at noon. Nothing major, just some flurries & squalls here.

All hands healthy

UPDATE. We survived the trip and vet exam, tulips given to our lovely vet and hugs. Raspberry's behavior was in the barely acceptable range, lots of growling and talking. She allowed an exam, no blood work, no shots(she is not getting any more from now on) and did freak a bit when the stethoscope was in hand. No murmur, symmetrical feeling organs and nasty teeth. She needs a tooth cleaning in the pretty near future, but I expected that. We got home and she had her cheese reward. I need a martini or a scotch !

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