Welcome to the world.
This might not mean much to most of you. With 4G coming out of the wazoo, the prospect of being unable to stream live, HD sport or the latest cinematic release would probably be enough to bring you out in hives. A world where even holding a mobile telephone conversation or receiving a timely text message are virtually impossible would have you contemplating a landscape resplendent with dinosaurs and the odd Doug McClure thrown in for good measure.
For a couple of years now, the only place where Gail has been able to get a reliable signal is within a stones-throw of the Warsetter (or Wa'ster) mast.
Not before time, the twentieth century has finally arrived at the shed. Sanday Bus CIC has dragged me, somewhat kicking and screaming, into the 'mobile communications' environment. Now available to take bookings in this medium. Whodathunkit? (Not me, that's for certain!)
The twenty-first century is also available, but only at exorbitant cost and beamed directly from John Tracy.
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