A leaf on the wind...

By TamCat

Cactus Kitten Margarita

A strange night all around. It went from a late night mandatory store meeting (on my day off) to an evening of rain, ice, fire, flooding, downed tree bits, slush, slush, and more slush, all in the span of a 45 minute drive. An odd storm moved in filled with lightning and sleet. It was really coming down fast. Too fast for the storm drains to keep up. The roads that weren't flooding were covered in enough slush that one would think a slushy machine exploded. Large branches littered the street. Some from the wind, some from the ice, and some from the lightning. I believe it was the lightning that started the fire. Just as we made the corner for the oh, so, bendy curve on the road home, we saw it. At first, it was confusing, it appeared as a very bright light where a bright light made no sense. Then we realized it was a power line that had caught fire. Sparking and flashing like crazy. It was already starting to catch the tree next to it on fire a bit. It wasn't a huge fire, but it did look as though it had just begun. We called 911 and requested they send the fire department. After dodging more branches and sliding around on some slush we safely made it home to the occasional dimming of the lights and the fear of losing the internet before I could submit my assignment with the deadline of 18:00 Singapore time. I have been taking an online Symmetry course on Coursera and this was assignment #1. Of course I also had to do the assignment first, and then figure out the formatting program required, because if I didn't wait til the last couple of hours to, after having a week to do this, it just wouldn't be me. I made it though.... Yay! I still had time to spare! Not much, but a smidgin. The assignment was to give an example of 1) reflection only, 2) rotation only, and 3) reflection and rotation together in the same subject. This was to be done photographically, by yourself, and yourself alone. Each portion requiring 2 pictures. One, a close up of the subject. The second, was suppose to be a self portrait with the subject, as proof I really did the assignment myself. Proof that it wasn't just downloaded from an internet search. I'm not one for self portraits, so I had my little friend here fill in for me. I just find this adorable little Cactus Kitten to be way more photogenic than myself. Also fit in the frame much easier. This was also a nice test for my new backdrop. Really it is left over vinyl roller shade material that I rescued before it could go to the landfill. This was the shot I used for "Reflection Only" as it has one vertical mirror line and no rotation.

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