
By Marlytyz

Making the ordinary extraordinary

The journey from Torquay to Brighton seemed interminable. Part of the reason was that we had to stop off in Cardiff to see my mother and, of course, we have numerous breaks for dogs and people along the way. We arrived in Brighton at 9 p.m. having left Torquay this morning at 10 a.m and this is not crawling along at 40 in the slow lane. I could have travelled from Miami to London in the same time frame.
The only thing that kept us amused was the realisation that the car has a mind of its own. If you get too near another car it puts the brakes on, if you drift slightly, it corrects your steering and emits a loud beep if you go to overtake when it is not safe. It even parks itself. I love shocking people by waving my arms about as the car manoeuvres itself into a small space that I could never achieve without at least 20 attempts.
Very little opportunity to photograph anything very interesting today. I therefore captured this copse at a motorway service station and brightened it up a bit!
In court tomorrow so unlikely to have much opportunity to photograph anything remotely interesting..

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